Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Harold Pinter on Politics and His Plays, 1966

From the Paris Review interview (PDF) with Harold Pinter in 1966.
Interviewer: Has it ever occurred to you to express political opinions through your characters?

Pinter: No, ultimately, politics do bore me, though I do recognize they are responsible for a good deal of suffering.

Interviewer: But you do think the picture of personal threat that is sometimes presented on your stage is troubling in a larger sense, a political sense, or doesn't this have any relevance?

Pinter: I don't feel myself threatened by any political body or activity at all. I like living in England. I don't care about political structures--they don't alarm me, but they cause a great deal of suffering to millions of people.


At 8:22 AM, Blogger beatroot said...

Intersting then, that in recent years Pinter has become more famous for his Chomsky-ish politics than for his (what used to be) wonderful plays.

I think his plays are better than his politics...

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Lynn said...


That's what struck me about his 1966 position. I only followed his politics for a little when he received the Nobel. I fogged out after that.


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