Tuesday, June 27, 2006

For Tom

Some poems from Sam Hammill's Crossing the Yellow River for Tom.

Alone Beside the Autumn River

All spring, my sorrows grew like lotus leaves.
Now they wither as my autumn sadness grows.

Grief is as long and wide as life.
Watch the autumn river. Listen to it flow.

Li Shang-yin (813-858)

From the Heights

I drag my heavy heart
up to these dazzling heights:

this beautiful, beautiful sunset!
And then the onrushing night.

Li Shang-yin (813-858)

After Reading Lao Tzu

"One who speaks does not know; one who knows does not speak."
Thus I have been instructed by the Old Master.

If you tell me the Old Master was one who knew, I ask,
Why did he write five thousand words to explain it.

Po Chu-i (772-846)


At 9:26 AM, Blogger Cuppa said...

Oh, thanks for these jewels this morning. I am going to the library tomorrow and getting my hands on a copy of this book is the first thing on my list.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Lynn said...


It became an instant favorite of mine the first time I read it. I hope they have it at your library.

I am going to look today for the recommendation you had on your blog.


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