Friday, May 05, 2006

The end of history

The genius of the human species derives from its imaginative powers. Its imagination and its ability to culturally transmit new knowledge makes it a formidable species often mystified and awed by its own powers.

Humans have invented many different ways to politically organize societies: theocracy, liberal democracy, communism, dictatorship, etc. Has the human imaginative genius invented the whole of politics, or will someone come along and dream of something new? Is there an end of history in the sense that all the systems have been invented? Is a sublime recapitulation of various favored positions all that is left to future generations?

Do these questions even matter anymore? Humans have found many ways to completely annihilate themselves. The end of history might be literally that annihilation.

Crisis management could be the norm for the rest of time although the sublime recapitulations will endure.


At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democracy is a failed experiment because it relies upon consensus to find truth and we all know that there are fewer people who know the truth of a matter than those who think they do. It also seeks to diffuse power and so is massively inefficient and prone to subversion and coup. Also, when you rule from the ballot box all you really do is set up a competition of factions' propaganda, and victory goes to the best liars. This is an irrational way to govern.

We need to find a form of government that is efficient and direct like a dictatorship, but is peaceful and humane like a democracy.

This is the focus of my thoughts and writing at this time.


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