Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Heterodoxy and Blogging

A lot of people write me and say, Lynn, I really like your blog, but sometimes it seems as if you are just making stuff up. I suppose they could be right. My memory is not what it used to be now that I am old. I often do not accurately recall the reality or truth of past events and thought. But does that trivialize or negate the efficacy what I have to say?

Thinking and writing occur in the now. Not only that, thinking and writing are projects with future aims and goals. They are projections into the future with their own methodologies.

We would have no hypocrisy without the devoutly religious holy person or the serious high minded intellectual. Without hypocrisy life would lose much of its irony and humor. Life would be painted in black and white and lose its color. People who beg to have their noses tweaked should not complain when the desire becomes the fact.

Let’s face it, a metaphysics of blogging has yet to be written. I would say a metaphysics of blogging has yet to be hazarded as a project. We must cull the philosophical literature of the past to find anything meaningful to say about blogging. We return to Heidegger’s essays, “The Origin of a Work of Art”, “The Question Concerning Technology”, “What Calls for Thinking”, and “The Way to Language”, to ground our nascent metaphysical pronouncements and judgments about blogging. Would Heidegger have something to say about blogging if he was still alive? Sure he would.

Have we lost our stomach and will for heterodoxy? Where have the independent, unconventional, and unfettered spirits gone? Where are the isolated and independent scholars who while away their days in the libraries, those wonderful souls producing the next new thing?

I’ll have the answers, maybe, to those questions when I return from a three margarita lunch. The chillies rellenos sound pretty good too.

Until then, hang fire.


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