Friday, March 04, 2005

Heidegger II & III

I read “What is Metaphysics?”. Heidegger says, “the nothing itself nihilates.” It is the famous phrase used by the Logical Positivists to ridicule “unscientific” metaphysical thinking.

I read “On the Essence of Truth.” Heidegger says, “freedom is the essence of truth.” He qualifies the assertion quite a bit after that.

I read the first section of “The Origin of the Work of Art.” I understood it and I did not crave a six pack of beer while reading it.


At 3:37 PM, Blogger Cuppa said...

Hi Lynn

You really had me going this morning!

I checked in to see what you had written and I saw all these blogs posted over and over again. Now lots of times your writing is deep and I wonder if I am getting it!! I thought you did the repeat thing on purpose and there was some meaning in all the repeat posts!!!!! I read each one to see if you changed a word here and there. Nope that wasn't it. I was in a rush to go out to do errands, so I had to leave it and get back to it later.

Yes, you had me going in circles. Now I check back and there is only one post but it has changed a bit. What in the world did you do?

This is just too funny.


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