Monday, March 21, 2005

Hypocrisy, Counter-hypocrisy, and Totalitarianism

Some events weary the imagination, defying the will to put those events aside. Such is the Schiavo case. One can debate the rightness or wrongness of pulling the tubes from Mrs. Schiavo’s body until the cows come home, but a more fruitful exercise is meditating on how the actors in the drama might have played their roles differently.

Mr. Schiavo could have announced he was taking Mrs. Schiavo home because he and Mrs. Schiavo were putting their trust in the will and goodness of the Lord. The Christian opposing Mr. Schiavo for putting his complete faith in the mercy of the lord has some explaining to do. The issue becomes what a Christian ought to do rather than the struggle of good versus evil.

There are two ways to fight hypocrisy: one, expose it, and two, become just as hypocritical. The second of these two options becomes more attractive when the drive by a few to create a totalitarian state becomes irresistible.

The Hypocritical Christian Right does not believe in Christianity. They believe in the naked exercise of power to control whatever is in their best interests. That statement does not espouse anything radical or leftist, but merely indicates a rudimentary observation and healthy skepticism when confronted with unmasked naked motives.

I will admit I am an unrepentant leftist libertarian.


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