Wednesday, November 03, 2004


The sky is just as blue.
The golden leaves falling
from the trees are just as dead.

Our philosophies remain inert
and refuse to yield
the answers to our questions.

Only our passions endlessly rise,
fall, and shift like
waves on the sea.


At 9:17 PM, Blogger Cuppa said...

Hi Lynn
I have been walking around in a fog all day, stopping every now and then to mutter statements of disbelief under my breath. "I just can't believe this!" "What were people thinking?" Mutter, mutter, mutter. Fuss, fuss, fume! At suppertime my husband asked me to sit down and read this blog. He linked to it through someone on his blog list.
Anyway, I thought you might like to read this letter and the comments posted from other Americans. Here is the addy.

I still can't quite put my thoughts and feelings down on "paper" yet. I will write more later.

The sky is still blue, the trees are still standing! Take heart!


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