Sunday, April 23, 2006


Reuters reports the Vatican is preparing a new statement on AIDS and condoms.
Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, the head of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, declined to reveal the contents of the document in an interview published in Sunday's la Repubblica newspaper, but said Pope Benedict had asked his department to study the issue.
This is a very difficult and delicate subject that requires prudence," said Mexican-born Barragan.

The issue might be difficult and delicate for the limited understanding of Popes and Cardinals, but others have resolved the issue in their own minds without much help from the learned doctors of the church.

Willful and reckless ignorance kills. These calls for prudence and patience sound barbaric and gratuitous. Shame on them all.


At 1:40 PM, Blogger -epm said...

Willful and reckless ignorance kills. These calls for prudence and patience sound barbaric, gratuitous, and cruel. Shame on them all.

And yet this is this anti-condom position is the official line of the United States Government as it converts its African AIDS programs into a "Christian" Proselytization Network. Better a hundred dead sinners than a single lost soul. Right?

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Lynn said...


At 3:57 PM, Blogger curtis said...

I've always disagreed with the Catholic church on the nature of contraception, and I've never had a problem with distributing condoms in Africa especially.

Having said that, I think that if the Church is looking to find a way to allow condoms to be used without violating the philosophical reasons behind their opposition to them, they should be encouraged, not discouraged.

And yet this is this anti-condom position is the official line of the United States Government as it converts its African AIDS programs into a "Christian" Proselytization Network. Better a hundred dead sinners than a single lost soul. Right?

Christians, for all their faults, do a great deal of work in Africa that many would otherwise not do. I obviously don't think its fair to say that only Christian groups do charity in Africa- I don't even think they do the most of the work that many groups (secular or from other religions) do.

But I think this sort of critique is a bit more vindictive than need be, considering the emphasis that every Christian group I've ever encountered has: address the physical needs first. With every single Christian group I've ever met, witnessing and evangelism were always secondary to imporving the physical and health needs of the people first.

Again, I don't say this to paint Christians as universally good, or without error- I know Christians who have been to Africa who have made mistakes, but I have to say, from what I've seen the overwhelming majority of Christian groups do far more good than harm.

At 11:47 PM, Blogger Lynn said...


Points well taken.

I first learned of the dire situation in Darfur, which you have written so well about, from a friend who passed along a tape made by a Christian group doing relief work there. It seems that Osama bin-Laden has to say something salacious for it to make the front page here.

My point was about a group of folks who have made the situation much worse. They need to be called on their stance. I don't consider their position to be particularly philosophical, or Christian for that matter. The real problem is that their stance leaves no room for encouragement let alone debate. They have proven themselves immune to rational discussion. Only the naked display of displeasure they so often use themselves seems to get their attention.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger -epm said...


I couldn't agree more about the good work done by Christian relief groups. That's why I used quotes around the word "Christian." I'm talking only about this new wave of politically connected conservative American religious groups, funded with tax dollars earmarked for AIDS relief, and who were specifically selected by this government because of their anti-condom stance.

This is putting religious doctrine ahead of human lives. And any program that does not try to save as many lives as possible, does not relieve as much human suffering as possible, is, in my opinion, beneath contempt and certainly not deserving of the imprimatur of the American People.

Jesus was challenged by the Pharisees more than once about his "sinful" actions: working on the Sabbath, consorting with sinners and the unclean, dietary habits. All because he knew the purpose of the law to uplift mankind, not to hold it in bondage to the unyielding interpretations of priests. To which I say that if the fruits of the sin of promiscuity are disease and starving, fatherless children, then to not promote the proper use of condoms is doing the Devils work, not God's.

My grouse is not with Jesus, nor with those who work humbly to help the least among us, in his name. My sad contempt is for those who would steal the banner of "Christ" for themselves alone, and hold themselves as special above all others -- who desire more to be courtiers to kings than servants to the lowly.

Now I'm just ranting... sorry. But truly, Peace be with us all.

At 1:40 AM, Blogger beatroot said...

The idea that when the Pope says 'No condoms' Africans immediatly throw them away is utter and complete nonsense. African men don't wear condoms because they don't like them - it has nothing to do with the Catholic church.

If it did then the African countries with the highest population of catholics would also have the highest number of AIDS cases. But the two nations with the highest rates (in the world!), are Swaziland (15% catholic) and Botswana (less than 5% catholic).

Stop patronising Africans. They take as much notice of the Vatican as you or I do.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger -epm said...

The Catholic church has the largest group of relief agencies in Africa, and they do a wonderful job in most areas: clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, bringing succor to the afflicted, educating men, women and children. In the fight against AIDS, however, the Catholic church, along with other more radical Christian groups, not only refuse to distribute condoms, they also teach that they are evil... or at least sinful. While this may, in the eyes of a particular sect, save souls, it can also destroy lives in a very real and physical way.

Just as the use of soap can reduce infections, so to the use of condoms can reduce the incidents of AIDS and other sexually transmitted deseases.

Stop patronising African men. They are not ineducable beasts, incapable of learning the value of fidelity.... as well as condom use. But one thing's for sure; no African man will use a condom he doesn't have.

At 4:46 PM, Blogger beatroot said...

No African man will use a condom he doesn't have.


I didn't meam to patronise African men, but there is a problem. It comes from hopelessness, of civil society completly braking down, of poverty.

Cure the poverty and you will cure the AIDS, maleria...

Pinning the blame of the catholic church is just missing the point.

(by the way - I'm an atheist, humanist evangelical fundementalist)

At 5:14 PM, Blogger -epm said...

No one is blaming on the Catholic church for the African AIDS condition, any more than one would blame a person who refused to pass a water bucket for the effects of a forest fire.


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