Thursday, September 08, 2005

Too Late

Some people think we should not be playing the blame game about Hurricane Katrina. The problem is that President Bush has used up all of his credibility chips. He and his cronies don't know the meaning of the word accountability. President Bush's hollow phrases don't resonate as melodically as before. He's not even good at saying them except when it is entirely scripted for a user friendly audience.

The criticisms of the Bush Administration need to continue and not fade away. The Bush administration won't respond to anything unless their feet are held directly to the fire. The liars in the Bush administration need to be assaulted with the facts every moment of the day and from all directions.

Mr. Bush pushed all his credibility chips in the pot on the wave of 9/11 fears. He sold a large destabilizing and unwinnable war. Even the most rude of the interested citizens knew that the dire predictions about Iraq would all come true.

The government has not gotten smaller and the deficit has grown larger. The myth of no government has always been merely that. The rise of the nation state marked the rise of big government if only to create a large beauacracy to harvest taxes to fight wars. At no time in history has there ever been a large nation, let alone empire, that did not have big government.

And where has the money gone that our current leaders have spent? Not to entrepreneurs or medium sized businesses in general. Even saying large corporations does not hit the mark. The money flowed into the hands of a few crony capitalists. Companies that cannot compete on their own merits feed at the public trough in a shell game of find where the money is now.

I'll admit I never had any confidence in Mr. Bush. He has not disappointed my expectations.

The victims of Hurricane Katrina will soon be scattered to the four winds. They will become even less visible if Mr. Bush has his way. His way is that of the bungler who hires bunglers and for mission critical jobs. His memory and attention span aren't up to taking care of these people. The immediate flow of aid to the victims will obscure their long term needs and others like them.

Mr. Bush will come to realize before his administration is through that he will not be a great man of history. Years of failure before he became President will be followed by an eternity of failure as history is written. He is the consummate incompetent whose true calling was to be the pure politician, the man who only cared about being elected.

The year 2006, when the impact of Katrina hits the economy hard, deficits skyrocket, and the Fed cannot bailout the economy with easy credit because of self induced inflationary pressures, will find many more people joining the reality based community.

The lives of a few cells headed for the garbage can won't seem quite as important when the economic impact hits far more people than just those living in the shelters. They all will be forgotten if we do not hold the Bush administration's feet to the fire everyday.


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