Saturday, December 03, 2005


I'd like to thank Cuppa at Brown Betty Brew for lifting my spirits yesterday.

I almost quit Blogland about a year ago during the holiday season. I missed it though, started writing again, and I am glad I renewed my efforts. I have met many wonderful and intelligent people in Blogland.

Anvilcloud at Raindrops summarizes very well why I am glad I did not leave Blogland. (Read the whole thing here)
According to Google, we and Lynn live more than 600 miles or 16 hours apart, yet the one blogger was able to impact the other in the blink of an eye as it were. We have never met, and, in all probability we never will, yet, in some ways, I wonder if in some very real sense we, who read each other's real thoughts and feelings and comment back and forth, don't know one other more intimately than we know those around us, for the written word is immensely powerful and can be powerfully intimate. In our writings, we have at least some time to reflect upon what we say, and, so, our innerness is frequently laid more bare and open than it might be in our daily physical walks.
One of the blogs I stumbled upon when I first started blogging was Cuppa’s at Brown Betty Brew. I liked the way she wrote. I later found out we shared a mutual love of poetry and some of the same poets. Her uplifting thoughts and quotations are infectious. Via Cuppa’s blog, I found Anvilcloud’s and other blogs.

As Anvilcloud relates in his post, I was slipping into a black mood that overcomes me each holiday. I won’t try to articulate its nature since I have not figured it out.

Cuppa sent me a wonderful e-mail yesterday morning referencing some great poetry and commentary that I found very inspiring. I took her advice and read some of the poetry of my favorite poets yesterday, and a sense of balance replaced my gloomy mood.

I think Anvilcloud's comment indicates how and why Blogland tends to form itself into informal communities that span space, time, and thought.

Then there are times when someone unexpectedly comes along such as Cuppa and lifts your spirits.


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