Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Religious Fundamentalist, and Presidents Carter, Clinton, and Bush

There are certain obvious problems with religious fundamentalism. The religious fundamentalist views the world and the supernatural world as constructed in a hierarchy. God, angels, men, women, children, nature, and the devil. This means that the religious fundamentalist considers women inferior to men. It also means that nature is considered inferior to men. Men have a paternalistic duty to dominate women and nature.

The religious fundamentalist also believes that those who do not share their beliefs are inferior to themselves, and thus the religious fundamentalist cannot and should not respect opponents’ beliefs and life styles.

Living in the United States creates a problem for the religious fundamentalist, for the United States is founded on the separation of church and state. The religious fundamentalist is forced to deny and manipulate evidence that is contrary to their view.

The Bill of Rights and other amendments to the Constitution document an often violent and erratic progress towards human rights. These rights run contrary to the religious fundamentalist world view. The religious fundamentalist man does not receive what he feels is his due. He is prevented from dominating and controlling women and other groups he sees as inferior to himself.

I think of President Carter and President Clinton, two devout Christians in their own way, and how they oppose religious fundamentalism. You find their Christian faith inclusive and respectful of human rights. I cannot help but contrast them with President Bush, Representative Tom Delay, Senator Bill Frist, and other Republicans politicians who pander to the religious fundamentalist. That pandering is completely different from the religious beliefs of President Carter and President Clinton.

I have come to suspect every position the religious fundamentalist takes. The “right to life” is a mere slogan to mask the need to dominate women and their control over their lives and bodies. Compassionate Conservatism guided by the Federal Government is a mere subterfuge to mask a massive giveaway program to the elect. I quite simply distrust every motive of the religious fundamentalist, for I know he will not respect any belief other than his own. He will not be separated from his felt duty to dominate others.


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