Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Good writing about oil

Every week Jim Kunstler at Clusterfuck Nation writes an article about oil and energy issues. Whether you like what he says or not, his articles are always witty and biting. This week's article is another example. He asks why Americans are in denial about the future energy crisis. Here is the link: True Blue.


At 10:10 AM, Blogger Devang said...

Eh.. I don't know. I find myself strangely in agreement with certain parts of The Bottomless Well.

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Lynn said...

devang -

Thanks for the link. As I said, Kunstler is no shrinking violet and will generate a lot of debate. I am starting to be convinced by Kunstler's ideas, but I have not read much about the issue either pro or con, so remained undecided.


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