Friday, January 07, 2005

The Dictionary

You stand in the checkout line at the grocery. Two women in front of you discuss the gym where they workout. Exercising fulfills their new year’s resolutions.

You recollect your new year’s resolution, reading the dictionary all the way through, from first entry to last. You are eight days tardy in starting.

You return home. You sit down with the dictionary. First entry, “a.” Your eyes scan down the page to the word abaft.

“That’s cheating,” says the critic hidden deep in the recesses of your mind.

You recall the word anal.

Reading the dictionary will be more difficult than you imagined. You should have made an easier resolution. Like giving up sex.


At 5:21 PM, Blogger Cuppa said...

Yes, you did pick a difficult new year's resolution. Good luck!

I don't make new year's resolutions, but I am borrowing a resolution of sorts from JV at Freelance Monk. He is going to focus on being happy right where he is this year. Not happy when he does this or that. Just happy where he is each day. Sounds like a plan to me.

Thanks for your kind comments and encouragement about writing. It really is hard to put your writing out there isn't it? I read spectacular blogs and wish I could write like this person or that person and think about giving up my feeble attempts. But my husband John keeps encouraging me to just be myself and write like me because nobody else can! So that is what I try to do - face the fear and do it anyway.

We each have to make visible in this world, what would remain invisible but for us. Only you can be you and only I can be me. Keep putting your pen to the paper, and let me see what you see, learn what you have learned, or be challenged by what challenges you.

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Cuppa said...

It is a sunny bright morning here in the country. I am sitting here with my first cup of coffee wondering how you are progressing with your writing/editing today. Sending you lots of positive thoughts. Hope you feel them and make real progress facing the fear today.


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